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Founded by Dany de Muyser and Jerry Kieffer, chief physician of the infant surgery department of the Luxembourg Hospital Center, the Chaîne de l'Espoir Luxembourg (CDEL) has set itself the mission of providing children from underprivileged countries with medical care quality specialists.


Each year, several medico-surgical missions abroad make it possible to receive in consultation and to operate on a voluntary basis dozens of children suffering from orthopedic, cardiac, ENT pathologies or others. Our action is supplemented by the reception in Luxembourg of children who cannot be operated on in their country of origin and whose medical follow-up requires care of several weeks or even months.


The Chaîne de l'Espoir Luxembourg also provides active support to partner hospitals and provides them with medical equipment and by participating in the training of their staff during its missions and through telemedicine.


Anxious to inform the public of inequalities in health care and to discuss issues related to children's rights, our association organizes awareness-raising actions.


Approved by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Chaîne de l'Espoir Luxembourg enjoys the status of Non-Governmental Development Organization (NGDO) and that of a recognized association of public utility.


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Cardiac mission Rwanda 2018

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Les partenaires de Chaîne de l’Espoir Luxembourg s’engagent annuellement de soutenir l’ONG soit par des apports financiers, soit par l’hospitalisation gratuite ou à prix avantageux d’enfants malades, soit en fournissant du matériel médical indispensable au bon déroulement des missions à l’étranger.

Chaîne de l’Espoir Luxembourg leur est très reconnaissante pour leur engagement .

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